Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We at Kevin Thibbles Immigration Services Inc., are committed to providing our clients with the best possible immigration consulting services. Our team of experienced immigration consultants is dedicated to helping our clients achieve their immigration goals and make their Canadian dream a reality.

We understand that immigration can be a complex and challenging process, and we aim to provide transparent and fair refund policies to our clients.

Please read our refund policy carefully to understand our process and your rights as a client.

1. Consultation Fees: Our consultation fees are non-refundable, as they cover our consultants’ time and expertise. We charge a fee for our initial consultation, which includes a detailed assessment of the client’s eligibility, potential immigration options, and personalized advice. If the client decides to proceed with our services after the consultation, the consultation fee is applied to their overall service fee.

2. Service Fees: Our service fees cover the immigration consulting services we provide to our clients. We charge our service fees based on the type of immigration application and the complexity of the case. We have a transparent fee structure and provide a detailed breakdown of our service fees to our clients before they sign our retainer agreement.

If a client decides to cancel our services before we start working on their application, we will refund 75% of their service fee. However, if we have already started working on their application, no refunds will be issued.

If a client’s application is rejected due to a mistake made by our consultants, we will offer a full refund of their service fee. We will review the rejected application and identify any errors made by our consultants. We will take full responsibility for our mistakes and refund the service fee promptly.
If a client’s application is rejected due to factors beyond our control, such as a change in immigration policy or insufficient documentation provided by the client, we will not issue a refund.

3. Payment Terms: We require full payment of our service fees before we start working on a client’s application. We accept payment through various modes such as credit card, Interact e-transfer, or wire transfer. We ensure that all payment transactions are secure and adhere to industry standards.

4. Dispute Resolution: In case of any disputes regarding our refund policy, we encourage our clients to contact us directly. We will investigate the matter and provide a resolution as quickly as possible. If we are unable to resolve the dispute to the client’s satisfaction, they may refer the matter to the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) for further review.

We value our clients and their trust in us. We believe that our refund policy is fair and transparent and provides our clients with adequate protection. We will continue to provide our clients with high-quality immigration consulting services and ensure that they are satisfied with our services. As a startup company, we are constantly striving to improve and grow, and we welcome any feedback that our clients may have.


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