Canadian Citizenship

Apply to become a Canadian citizen, prepare for the citizenship test.

Canadian Citizenship

Why Should You Consider Becoming a Canadian Citizen?

Becoming a Canadian Citizen

As a permanent resident in Canada, you already have access to many benefits, but becoming a Canadian citizen unlocks even more opportunities. From unrestricted access to the job market and social programs to the right to vote and run for public office, Canadian citizenship provides numerous advantages that can improve your life and future in Canada.

Your journey to citizenship

The most common ways to become a Canadian citizen are naturalization, citizenship through birth, descent, adoption, marriage, and military service. Each pathway has specific requirements that must be met.

What can we do for you?

We're excited to offer our services to help you through the Canadian citizenship application process. We can provide guidance, advice, and assistance with collecting documents, submitting your application, and preparing for the test. Don't hesitate to contact us for a no obligation call to learn more.

Professional guidance

There are many factors that can make someone ineligible for Canadian citizenship, such as not meeting requirements or having a criminal record or financial issues. Failing language tests or being under investigation can also impact eligibility. Remember, each case is evaluated individually, and other reasons may apply. Contact us for professional advice without delay.

To be eligible for Canadian citizenship, you must have lived in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 3 out of the 5 years before you apply, be physically present in Canada for at least 1,095 days during those 5 years, have filed your taxes, and pass a language and citizenship test. You also cannot have any criminal convictions or be under a removal order.
You can apply for Canadian citizenship online or by paper application. You will need to provide documentation to prove your eligibility, such as proof of residency in Canada, tax records, and language test results. You will also need to pay a fee.
The processing time for a Canadian citizenship application varies depending on the individual case and the workload of the immigration authorities. As of March 2023, the current processing time for routine applications is approximately 12 to 18 months.
It depends on the laws of your home country. Some countries allow dual citizenship, while others do not. If your home country allows dual citizenship, you can become a Canadian citizen and still retain your original citizenship.
Canadian citizenship gives you the right to vote, run for office, and obtain a Canadian passport. You also have access to government services and benefits, such as healthcare and education. Canadian citizens can also live and work in Canada without any immigration restrictions.
If you do not meet the eligibility requirements for Canadian citizenship, you may be able to apply for permanent residency or another type of immigration status. It is recommended that you consult with an immigration lawyer or a licensed immigration consultant for guidance on your specific situation.
Yes, you can appeal a decision on your Canadian citizenship application if your application is denied. You will need to submit a request for reconsideration within a specified time frame and provide additional evidence to support your case.
In case you require guidance on Canadian citizenship, you have the option to consult an immigration lawyer or a licensed immigration consultant such as Kevin Thibbles Immigration Services Inc. We are qualified to provide professional assistance to help you understand the eligibility requirements, navigate the application process, and offer valuable insights on any other matters pertaining to Canadian immigration.

Yes, you may be able to bring your spouse or common-law partner, as well as your dependent children, with you to Canada on a study permit. They will also need to apply for their own permits. Your spouse or common-law partner may also be eligible for an open work permit, which allows them to work in Canada for any employer while you study.

Yes, you may be able to extend your Canadian study permit if you need more time to complete your program of study. You must apply to extend your permit before it expires. It is important to note that you must continue to meet the requirements of your study permit, such as being enrolled in a DLI and having sufficient financial resources, in order to be eligible for an extension.

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