Business Immigration

Invest in Canada’s thriving economy with our business immigration programs

Business Immigration

Do you want to do business in Canada?

Unlock your potential in Canada

Business immigration programs in Canada provide access to a stable and growing economy, permanent residency, social benefits, support for entrepreneurs, a skilled workforce, and networking opportunities. They offer individuals with business experience or entrepreneurial ideas the chance to contribute to Canada's economy and enjoy its benefits.

Start-up Visa Program

Canada offers a business immigration program for entrepreneurs who can create job opportunities in the country. The program provides funding and support for eligible business ideas. Applicants must secure commitment from designated organizations to support and invest in their business. If approved, applicants receive permanent residency in Canada.

Self-Employed Persons Program

The Self-Employed Persons Program available in Canada provides individuals with the chance to become self-employed in cultural, artistic, or athletic fields. Advantages of this program consist of the ability to have a flexible schedule, work independently, have an opportunity to immigrate to Canada, obtain permanent residency, grow your business, benefit from tax deductions, and network with potential clients and other entrepreneur.

Provincial Nominee Programs

If you're a business person looking to immigrate to Canada, you might want to check out the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) business immigration program. It has a lot of benefits, like more immigration options to choose from, support from the provincial government, faster processing times, flexibility in investment and business type, job creation, priority processing, and extra incentives for specific regions. Overall, it's a pretty appealing option if you're considering moving to Canada!

The Business Immigration Program is a program that allows foreign entrepreneurs, investors, and self-employed individuals to come to Canada and contribute to the country’s economy through their businesses and investments.
There are three streams under the Business Immigration Program: the Start-up Visa Program, the Self-Employed Persons Program, and the Provincial Nominee Program for Business.
The Start-up Visa Program is for entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Canada. To be eligible, you must have a business idea that is supported by a designated organization and meet other eligibility criteria.
Designated organizations such as venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators can support your business idea under the Start-up Visa Program.
The Self-Employed Persons Program is for individuals who are self-employed in cultural, athletic, or agricultural activities. To be eligible, you must have relevant experience in your field and meet other eligibility criteria.
Eligible cultural activities include writing, publishing, performing arts, visual arts, and more.
The Provincial Nominee Program for Business is for individuals who want to invest in and operate a business in a specific province or territory in Canada.
Each province and territory has its own eligibility requirements, but generally, the applicant must have a minimum net worth, make a minimum investment in the business, and create jobs for Canadians.
The required investment varies by province and territory but can range from $150,000 to $2 million.
The number of jobs required to be created also varies by province and territory but can range from 1 to 5 jobs.
The processing time for each stream can vary, but generally, it takes several months to a year to process an application.
Yes, language proficiency is required for most streams under the Business Immigration Program, and applicants must provide proof of language proficiency in English or French.
Yes, applicants must undergo a medical exam to ensure that they do not pose a risk to public health and safety.
No, there is no minimum education level required for most streams under the Business Immigration Program, but it may be considered as part of the eligibility criteria.
Yes, most streams under the Business Immigration Program allow applicants to bring their spouse or common-law partner and dependent children with them to Canada.

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